Saturday, November 14, 2009


Name of Topic Being Reviewed: 2012
Category: Movie
Rating: Tumbling BabyTumbling BabyTumbling BabyTumbling BabyTumbling Baby

This was one heart-stopping, suspense-filled movie. For a movie where ILM has nothing to do, it was one of those better movies that came out this year.

I would compare this movie with the bible story of the Noah's Ark. For those not familiar, God told a man named Noah to build a huge ark and put in it pairs of every type of animals God created. It rained for forty days and forty nights. Until finally, the rain stopped, the water subsided and they created a new life afterwards.

Movie wise, in the year 2009 a scientist found an irregularity with the sun that affected the earth's core. They predicted that by 2012, the world would feel the whole impact. From 2009 - 2012, preparations for that impact went underway in Tibet. But calculations went wrong and D-day was earlier than expected. A scramble to get everyone (who paid for a ticket) and everything in the specially made arks began while others tried to say good bye to the people who will be left behind. The movie revolves mostly around the preparation and when it finally happened. In the end, 3 arks were made instead of 7, there was a massive shift in the globe, and Africa will be the start of the new world.

The movie was well made. The story line, was really well thought of and the development of the story was really good. The different characters were played really well and you would feel for them with every scene. The CG was really good. Like I said, for something not made by ILM, it was really well made. A whole city submerging looked so real that it's freaky. And the plane scene was really both nerve racking and heart stopping. I was holding my breath the whole time the small plane was fying over, under and around buildings and bridges that were slowly tumbling, crumbling and sinking down the sea. The big plane scene made me hold my breath even harder. It was really scary.

All in all, the movie was really good. It would really make people think if this is really true or not. I really recommend people to watch this movie. I got my money's worth. I hope you do too.

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