Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Twilight Saga

Name of Topic Being Reviewed: Twilight Saga
Category: Books
Rating: Tumbling BabyTumbling BabyTumbling BabyTumbling Baby

Well...honestly, it's one of those books that I couldn't put down once I've started reading it. I liked it so much that I had read all four books twice in succession. It's highly addicting and the dialogue was done really well.

At the whole, the whole series was really great. Like I said, the story was well written in a sense that there was continuity in the story and that you wouldn't get lost wondering what had happened. The flow was just right and you can really imagine yourself in the scene watching everything.

The characters are really well made. There were clashes in personalities and there are also some that blend in with the others, very realistic in a sense that there are people that you would clash personalities with and also people that you really get along with even if you only met for the first time. You can also feel that the author tries to put in typical teen scenarios so that readers in that age level could relate well to the characters and situations.

I do have a bit of a problem with the lack of descriptions in some parts. Though, I'm a very creative person to be able to imagine very well what the author was trying to describe, it might not be so for other readers (though I highly doubt that the lack of description would get an average teen frustrated in reading especially in scenes were either Edward or Jacob is involved). Then there were the grammatical errors and spell checks that got through the editing. Though, it didn't really mess with the story as a whole and the continuity was kept intact, it was honestly a little annoying that I have to read a sentence again mainly because the "t" became an "s" or the sentence structure was messed up.

But all in all, I like the books. If I have to arrange the books in the order of how much I liked them it would be arranged as such: Eclipse, Breaking Dawn, Twilight and New Moon (You can see that I have become an Edward Cullen Fan basing it from how I ranked the books).

If I have to choose a favorite character in the series, it would be Alice. She's seems like a very fun character and I like her personality very much. Small but powerful.

I hope that Stephani Meyer continue with Midnight Sun. I would like very much to read the whole series again seeing though Edward's point of view especially in times when he wasn't around and during discussions he usually have with Carlisle. I've read the draft that was found in her website and I am craving for more. I do hope she would continue to write it and get it published soon.

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