Monday, November 24, 2008

I Love The Whole World

Name of Topic Being Reviewed: Discovery Channel: I Love the Whole World Commercial
Category: TV Ad
Rating: Tumbling BabyTumbling BabyTumbling BabyTumbling BabyTumbling Baby

I love this commercial! This is one of those very uniquely done and it's very entertaining. They have tried putting everyone in, and at a glimpse, you would be able to know that each program in Discovery Channel is all about.

The commercial shows different hosts and people singing a part of the song. There are two versions of this theme and both more or less shows the same thing but different people sang a different segment. The music is fun to listen to as well. You wouldn't be surprised if you started humming it every now and then.

The commercial made me want to tune in to the Discovery Channel and try to catch the shows that they featured in the commercial at a glimpse.

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